Malicious ChatGPT Add-On Hijack Facebook Accounts

Malicious plugin that steals Facebook accounts hides under the guise of ChatGPT

ChatGPT became a worldwide phenomenon in recent months. GPT-4 update created even more hype around it, bringing it on top of numerous newsletters. Such an opportunity could not be ignored by cybercriminals – and they stepped in with a malicious browser plugin that parasites on ChatGPT image. Reportedly, that plugin hijacks Facebook accounts of anyone… Continue reading Malicious ChatGPT Add-On Hijack Facebook Accounts

Yahoo Search: How to Remove Yahoo from Chrome?

Yahoo Search is a legitimate search engine that exists for over 25 years. When chosen by desire, it offers all the basic functions of any search engine. However, there are certain situations when Yahoo search appears in your Chrome browser without your wish. In this article, I will show you how to remove Yahoo Search… Continue reading Yahoo Search: How to Remove Yahoo from Chrome?