Reasons to Start Cleaning Your PC Right Now

We may sometimes forget that our little friends aka computers also need some refreshment as well. Under refreshment, it is meant to thoroughly clean both hardware and software because they also often get dirty literally and metaphorically.

But so far we will present you with reasons to clean your software because it’s the mind and soul of your machine that needs to be carefully attended to — first in a line. When thinking about your cyber wellness, taking care of your computer should be the top priority.

What Are The Reasons That I Need To Clean Up My Computer

To illustrate why you need to clean your PC’s software, have a look at several examples of what sometimes makes the need to go through your software with a mop quite an urgent one. These are just a few examples but they should support the point:

  • Every time you launch and run any application or web browser these actions create temporary files. For example, when you listen to some songs from Spotify the program will create dozens of temporary cache folders. Over time your system can get clogged by all these files.
    When you do an update of your operating system this action also creates files like a backup of your old system files. Taking into consideration the fact that, for example, Microsoft releases new versions of Windows 10 every six months the amount of unnecessary data stored on your device can be too much;
  • Often users have various programs on their computer that they for different reasons don’t use anymore. Sometimes those installed programs can install other programs and the thing is when you don’t use them they still consume your resources by updates or other. Unused software only leaves open doors for possible malware attack;
  • Some users don’t realize it but one of the reasons your computer started to work slowly with the given tasks is because the hard drive has fragmented files. This means when you start to work with, for example, a certain Word file hard drive starts to pull all the related files together for work but if the parts of this file are not placed in the same space on the hard drive it might take some time to access different parts of the file in different places;
  • Some users can have too many startup programs, the thing that also needs to be checked and dealt with because the amount of RAM those programs will consume can significantly lower the productivity of your computer and the startup process as well. Some people also keep certain files at their startup meaning they also run every time users start their computer which again slows everything down on the machine.

What Are The Benefits Of Cleaning Up My Computer

Keeping up to regularly doing some cyber hygiene things certainly will give you a positive result.

Many specialists often compare cyber hygiene to one’s hygiene and it’s true because such hygiene practices also help to prevent and mitigate computer health risks.

Among the most obvious benefits you can have from actively exercising cyber hygiene we can name such:

  • Your software works properly.
    Sometimes when one of your programs on the computer doesn’t work properly it can be because it uses old cache files instead of the current ones it should. Such a thing happens when new data can’t overwrite the old cache and as a result, certain programs won’t work properly. Not only programs, but websites won’t be opening or systems will be experiencing frequent freezes or crashes;
  • You can have more disk space.
    If you haven’t done a thorough cleanup of your computer for a while, you might free up some more gigabytes when doing one. You will have more disk space for something more important for you and your work than unnecessary, old, and unused data.

Does It Speeds Up My Computer After Doing Clean Up

First of all you have to understand that your computer may run slow because programs don’t have enough space to create new temporary files for their proper work. And as a result, you have nonfunctioning applications.

When you delete old and unnecessary files you simply free up some space for the installed programs to work properly. Old junk data doesn’t use your computer’s resources and it could not be the reason for your computer’s slow, it just clogs up the needed space for your software.

How Can I Know I Need To Clean Up My Computer

It’s not generally recommended to bring your computer to a state where you know “for sure” it’s time to make a clean up. Instead from now on make yourself a schedule of your cyber hygiene routine and try to keep to it.

Nonetheless, if you’re experiencing one of the next symptoms you may need to do a real thorough cleanup of your computer:

  • Your computer started to work slow or frequently crashes;
  • You can’t save any data or program on your hard disk anymore;
  • You started to have Low Disk Space” notifications.

What Other Type Of Cleaning Up My Computer I Can Do

Don’t also forget about hardware on your computer because it can get even dirtier sometimes. Cooling fans inside can be clogged up with dust, a thing that often leads to overheating of the processor or graphics card. Overheating of the elements results in slowed down performance of your computer and even crashes.

Open your laptop or computer at least once a year to give it a nice dusting. Be careful not to damage any parts and elements. To clean the dust you should use a lint-free cloth or can of compressed air to clean it from all dust filters or any places of its assembly.

By Polina Lisovskaya

I have been working as a marketing manager for many years and I like to look for interesting topics for you


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