Government hackers attacked companies more often in 2019

Organizations are more likely to become victims of state-sponsored cybercriminals. Government hackers in 2019 began to attack companies around the world more often.

25% of companies associate attacks on their business with cyber warfare or actions of other states, as showed results of a survey that conducted Radware specialists.

In 2018, only 19% of organizations suspected other states in cyberattacks, but in 2019 this figure increased to 27%. Interestingly, businesses in North America are more likely to associate attacks with government cybercriminals (36%).

“Nation-state intrusions are among the most difficult attacks to thwart because the agencies responsible often have significant resources, knowledge of potential zero-day exploits, and the patience to plan and execute operations. These attacks can result in the loss of sensitive trade, technological, or other data, and security teams may be at a distinct disadvantage”, — says Anna Convery-Pelletier, Chief Marketing Officer at Radware.

Organizations are increasingly turning to microservices, serverless architectures, and multiple cloud environments. Two out of five managers said they were using a hybrid environment, including cloud and on-premises data centers, and two out of five said they were using more than one public cloud environment.

However, only 10% of respondents believe that their data is more secure in public cloud environments. As organizations adapt their network infrastructure to enjoy the benefits of these new paradigms (such as microservices and multi-cloud environments), they increase their attack surface and decrease the overall visibility into their traffic.

According to the result of a survey, 22% of respondents did not even know if they were attacked, and 27% of the victims did not know the motives of the criminals. 38% of companies are not sure whether their networks were attacked by IoT botnets, and 46% of respondents are not sure that they were subjected to encrypted DDoS attacks.

“Security is often an afterthought as businesses march forward, and there is a misconception that ‘good enough’ is enough”, — also told Anna Convery-Pelletier.

Although 5th generation (5G) mobile communications technologies provide an excellent opportunity for network security, only 26% of respondents confirmed their readiness to implemen 5G, and 32% only partially prepared.

Data loss is a top concern. About 30% of businesses stated that data theft as a result of a breach was their top concern following an attack, down from 35% the previous year, followed for attacks.

Radware data confirms the global trend: there is a war in cyberspace for access to information and control over it. State hackers fight both with foreign governments and corporations (for example, I wrote that Russian hackers Fancy Bear attacked Ukrainian gas company Burisma, as well as the fact that US Homeland Security warns of possible cyberattacks by Iran), but sometimes governments attack even their own citizens or arrange total surveillance of them.

We live in harsh time. Information security should be our own concern. May force and GridinSoft be with you.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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