Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-in Activity

Crooks opted for a new disguise - Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-In Activity messages

Email notification of a suspicious login attempt to your account is a good security solution to protect customers. It ensures that no one but you can enter your account unnoticed, which is even more important on days when hackers are running phishing campaigns to get the password to your Microsoft account. Unfortunately, this security alert… Continue reading Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-in Activity

Top 12 Instagram Scams in 2024

Instagram is a common place for wide variety of scams

Nowadays, it’s hard to find someone who has not heard of Instagram. Whether you use it to see what’s new with your friends or to kill time watching cat videos, the app has just about everything. However, besides entertaining videos on Instagram, some things can negatively impact your financial health. Cybercriminals couldn’t get past this… Continue reading Top 12 Instagram Scams in 2024

ChatGPT Scams

Frauds exploit ChatGPT not only for writing malware or email scam texts

Public release of ChatGPT made a sensation back in 2022; it is not an exaggeration to say it is a gamechanger. However, the scammers go wherever large numbers of people do. Fake ChatGPT services started popping up here and there, and this is not going to be over even nowadays. So, what is ChatGPT virus?… Continue reading ChatGPT Scams

What is Microsoft Security Warning Scam?

Fake Microsoft tech support pages and phishing landings are hosted on Microsoft services

Fraudsteds massively employ Microsoft Azure hosting to start Microsoft Security scam pages. They range from a scary warning that blocks your browser window to a phishing pages, indistinguishable from real. Let’s see the most typical types of these scams and their features. What is Windows Defender Security Warning? Fake Windows Defender Security Warning (Microsoft Security… Continue reading What is Microsoft Security Warning Scam?

“Professional Hacker” Email Scam

Hackers use different patterst to scam people, but some have become obscenely popular.

Among hundreds of different types of scam emails, there is a specific scary one that bothers people around the world. Known as “Professional Hacker” scam email, it claims that an illusory hacker has accessed your PC and gathered whatever information, including capturing videos through the web camera. The message is accompanied by a ransom demand… Continue reading “Professional Hacker” Email Scam

USPS Scam Text 2024: “Your Package Could Not Be Delivered”

USPS Scam: Your Package Could Not Be Delivered

USPS text scams is a type of phishing attack that, as its name implies, mimics the notifications from United States Postal Service (USPS). Fraudsters compose the text to look like a legitimate notification about the problems with the incoming delivery. At a certain point of this text, they add a phishing link that one should… Continue reading USPS Scam Text 2024: “Your Package Could Not Be Delivered”

Fake Windows Update in Browser Deliver Aurora Stealer

Hackers try to convince users to install a malicious package

Fake Windows Update became a malware spreading way once again. Updates are a pretty routine part of the Windows user experience. Over the last 7 years, Windows users mostly used to see the familiar update icon in the tray. Inexperienced people, however, do not know the mechanics of Windows update, and can be trapped with… Continue reading Fake Windows Update in Browser Deliver Aurora Stealer

5 Signs That You’ve Fallen Victim to a Scam

5 Signs That You've Fallen Victim to a Scam

Internet fraud is becoming increasingly widespread and sophisticated. From simple phishing to romantic scammers, fraudsters are always looking for and inventing new ways to deceive unsuspecting victims. Let’s talk about the ways to understand that you’ve fallen victim to a scam, or are close to becoming one. It’s important to remember that it’s crucial to… Continue reading 5 Signs That You’ve Fallen Victim to a Scam

TikTok Invisible Challenge Is Used to Spread Malware

Crooks found a way to spread malware hiding behind the Invisible Challenge

TikTok Invisible Challenge became yet another host for threat actors. Crooks found a way to spread the WASP information stealer as a specific utility to revert the in-app filter. Users who ate the bait are risking their account credentials and banking information. What is the TikTok Invisible Challenge? Same as Instagram back in the previous… Continue reading TikTok Invisible Challenge Is Used to Spread Malware

Online Dating Scams: How to Avoid Romance Scam

Online dating scammers create a story and ask for money

Online dating scammers get you to believe that their fake romances are real. They use deceptive tactics to make their scams hard to detect. The overall fraud got the name of a romance scam. Let’s see how a romantic meeting online may turn into a money loss. What is a romance scam? Romance scam artists… Continue reading Online Dating Scams: How to Avoid Romance Scam