US Cyber ​​Command confirms cyberattacks against ransomware

The United States Cyber Command has publicly recognized the use of offensive actions (cyberattacks) in order to neutralize cybercriminal groups that attacked American companies using ransomware programs.

The Head of Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency Paul Nakasone, in an interview with the New York Times, declined to elaborate on exactly what action the team of experts took. The US military’s computer operatives are increasingly willing to hack into criminals, not just statesmen who pose a threat to critical US infrastructure. But this is one of the first unequivocal evidence from Cyber Command that the agency is targeting criminal groups that hold the computer systems of American enterprises as “hostages.”

Before, during and since, with a number of elements of our government, we have taken actions and we have imposed costs. That’s an important piece that we should always be mindful of.Nakasone told the newspaper.

US government security officials have begun to actively pursue ransomware groups after attackers hacked into the networks of the fuel giant Colonial Pipeline and the world’s largest meat producer JBS earlier this year.

According to Paul Nakasone, the US government launched offensive actions against ransomware operators, including trying to cut off funding sources for hackers.

The US government’s counteractions against ransomware groups, many of which are based in Eastern Europe and Russia, also include indicting alleged extortionists and sanctioning cryptocurrency exchanges accused of laundering money for hackers.

However, it is not only the US government that has decided to use more aggressive measures against ransomware. The UK Government Liaison Center has announced plans to use national cyber forces formed last year to hack and pursue ransomware groups.

We must deal with ransomware, and this is difficult, we must clearly explain the red lines and the behavior that we want to see, we must uncover these connections between criminals and states and make them pay in such cases.said the head of the British intelligence service Jeremy Fleming.

While the details of such operations are usually kept secret, they usually involve blocking criminals’ phone signals or interfering with their servers.

The White House has tried to pressure the Russian government into cracking down on cybercriminals operating from Russian soil. It remains to be seen whether that will happen — Moscow has often turned a blind eye to hackers who do not target Russian organizations, analysts say.CNN journalists also told.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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