Russian-speaking hackers attacked the government infrastructure of Poland

The Sejm of Poland will hold a secret meeting, at which the government will hear information about the recent attacks by Russian-speaking hackers on the government infrastructure of Poland and the Internet accounts of high-ranking officials.

According to government spokesman Peter Müller, the officials who requested the meeting are planning to submit classified documents regarding the “large scale” of the attacks.

The Prime Minister appealed to the Speaker of the Seimas Elzbiete Witek with a request to organize a closed chamber session, so that the government could inform about the cyber attacks that were aimed at Poland.he said, emphasizing that during the meeting, the deputies will be familiarized with classified data.

On June 9, Michal Dworczyk, head of the Polish Prime Minister’s Chancellery, responsible for the implementation of the National Vaccination Program, said that he had been attacked by hackers – e-mail and social media pages belonging to him and his wife were hacked.

In a statement, the politician suggested that Russian-speaking hackers were involved in the attack, since the information was published on the Russian social network Telegram. Dworczyk denied local media reports that his inbox contained secret official documents, saying some of the released information and emails were fabricated.

The syntax and language of the messages, as well as the metadata of the published files show that this material may have been prepared and compiled by Russian hackers. Dworczyk said last week.

The incident is being investigated by the Polish special services and the prosecutor’s office.

The editor-in-chief of Gazeta Polska, Tomasz Sakevich, believes that “cyberattacks from Russia are extremely dangerous because they concern state security.”

The Russians did not test our security measures, but tested possible responses to such attacks. Unfortunately, these reactions were clearly helpful to them. Both the majority of journalists and the opposition took it either with a shrug or with a laugh, completely ignoring the fact that the media group is constantly being attacked by the Russian services, which is simply aggression against another country, even if this group is private.said Sakevich.

In 2020, Polish law enforcement officers arrested four alleged members of a hacker super-group that is actively involved in various cybercriminal activities. The group has been responsible for ransomware attacks, the spread of malware, SIM swapping, banking fraud, the administration of fake online stores, and even extortion with explosion threats.

Let me remind you that we talked about the NATO experimented with deceptive techniques to combat Russian hackers.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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