Internet Security Archives – Gridinsoft Blog Welcome to the Gridinsoft Blog, where we share posts about security solutions to keep you, your family and business safe. Tue, 09 Jul 2024 09:48:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 200474804 Browser Extensions: Are They Safe? Sun, 07 Jul 2024 13:57:36 +0000 Browser extensions are convenient little utilities that may adjust browsing experience and make it more comfortable for you personally. However, such a convenient shell – an applet to the legitimate program – could not have been ignored by malicious actors. In this post, I will uncover about malicious browser extensions, their nature and potential harm.… Continue reading Browser Extensions: Are They Safe?

The post Browser Extensions: Are They Safe? appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.

Browser extensions are convenient little utilities that may adjust browsing experience and make it more comfortable for you personally. However, such a convenient shell – an applet to the legitimate program – could not have been ignored by malicious actors. In this post, I will uncover about malicious browser extensions, their nature and potential harm.

Can extensions be malicious?

Yes, extensions can be malicious, but the harm they can cause is quite specific. In terms of severity, a browser extension is not on par with full-fledged malware. Since extensions cannot go beyond the environment of a browser, they cannot infect the system, modify or delete system files, or directly manipulate the operating system (except for cases with vulnerabilities). However, some extensions can collect personal data, such as browsing history, passwords, and other confidential information, and transmit it to third parties without your consent. This makes them close to spyware and infostealers.

Depending on the type of extension, they can act differently and thus have distinct malicious potential: For example, some can open pop-up ads, redirect users to phishing sites or inject ads into websites where they are initially not present. Some extensions may contain malicious code that can initiate the download of other malicious programs. They can also change your browser settings without your knowledge, alter your homepage or search engine.

It is worth noting that a malicious browser extension these days is a rare find, unless you source them from official websites. Browser extensions are usually distributed through extension stores – platforms that have moderation and requirements, although they are not always effective for stopping malicious stuff. Should their system detect malicious activity or get a well-backed feedback on malignant behavior, the extension’s listing will cease to exist.

Main ways for dodgy extensions to spread are far away from the common routes of the Internet. Usually, they appear from a redirection made by a shady website that trades its traffic to random traffic brokers online. Upon redirection, the user will see an offer to install a “recommended extension” – to enhance security or to display the content. Sure enough, neither of these really happen after the installation.

Extension installation popup
Useless browser extension tries to install.

Browser Hijacker

A browser hijacker is perhaps the most common type of malicious extension. Once installed, this extension changes your homepage and search engine. Even if the user navigates to and performs a search, the extension redirects the query to its search engine. It also adds a special token to each search query, which modifies the search results. In the end, instead of relevant results, the user receives sponsored links that may not even match the query.

The primary risk of such extensions lies in the collection of personal information. The redirection that happens in the process throws the user through a selection of data broker sites, and each of them gathers whatever data they want. Aforementioned alteration of search results can casually throw the user to a phishing page. In some cases, this can result in the download of malicious software.


Adware extensions, as the name suggests, add advertisements to all the websites a user visits. Typically, these extensions disguise themselves as something useful or basic, such as extensions for finding discounts and promo codes. Notably, similar functionality is already present in Microsoft Edge. In practice, these extensions are useless; instead, they bombard the user with ads. Considering that adware does not do anything beyond the actions I’ve just mentioned, malicious browser extensions may be just an adware specimen.

Typical result of activity of adware browser extensions is hard to ignore. The browser starts to run slowly; clicking on any element on a page opens multiple tabs with ads, some of which may be malicious. Certain sites can automatically initiate the download of malicious software. Overall, the extension can seriously degrade the user experience and pose a threat to privacy.

Fake Cryptocurrency Wallet Extension

Fake cryptocurrency wallet extensions pose as legitimate crypto wallets, but their goal is to steal users’ credentials and funds. As I mentioned earlier, moderation in app stores is far from perfect, and sometimes malicious actors manage to place harmful extensions in official extension stores. These extensions may be disguised as popular wallets but have no actual affiliation with them.

When a user enters their credentials, such as private keys, mnemonic phrases, or passwords, the extension transmits this information to the malicious actors. This info allows the attackers to access the user’s real cryptocurrency wallets. Once they have access to the account, the attackers can transfer the funds to their accounts, leading to a complete loss of cryptocurrency for the user.

How to Stay Safe?

Malicious browser extensions are a type of threat you should not underestimate the dangers of. I have a few recommendations that can help you minimize the risks associated with malicious extensions. Firstly, try to avoid installing unnecessary extensions. I would recommend avoiding extensions from unverified sources altogether.

While most of us tend to click “next” to speed up the installation process when installing an extension from a store, I suggest paying attention to the developer and reading the reviews. Keep an eye on your installed extensions and promptly remove any that are unnecessary. Pay special attention when installing extensions related to cryptocurrency wallets. And finally, consider using decent anti-malware software that will notify you about the malicious activity that comes from such an extension.

Browser Extensions: Are They Safe?

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10 Ways to Protect Your Personal Data Tue, 21 May 2024 01:15:57 +0000 The first hacking attacks and the realization of the danger of trusting information to the digital media became a shock to computer users. That’s when the question of data protection rose, and the development of the first antivirus programs began. And that was even before the Internet became a usual thing. Nowadays, when every home… Continue reading 10 Ways to Protect Your Personal Data

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The first hacking attacks and the realization of the danger of trusting information to the digital media became a shock to computer users. That’s when the question of data protection rose, and the development of the first antivirus programs began. And that was even before the Internet became a usual thing. Nowadays, when every home is a part of the network, it is vital to protect data. Here, we shall list and speculate on the most effective yet doable data security measures.

What Is Data Protection?

People have been practicing data protection since ancient times. Imagine a messenger running from one city to another, carrying a ribbon with seemingly random letters. Or a medieval scribe who makes copies of his manuscripts. Both were protecting data. The runner was using a scytale encoding to keep the message from being read by enemies should he even be caught. The writer made a copy of the text to hide it in a chest to protect it from wind, rain, snow, and thieves. Today we do the same things, but the threats are different.

Data protection encompasses any measures we take to secure data regardless of where it is stored: on a remote server or a hard disk of our computer. These measures include inputting passwords to any devices or Internet accounts, undergoing biometric authentication, installing antivirus software, conducting regular scans, etc. These measures can be arbitrary or obligatory.

What Are Data Protection Regulations?

People’s attitude to the security of their private data can be astoundingly careless. But it’s their problem. On the contrary, those companies who take responsibility for storing or processing their clients’ personal data (like social networks or electronic mailboxes, state registries, public services, etc.) oblige themselves or are obliged by law to implement data protection regulations within their workspace. An example of such obligatory guidelines is GDPR, the International General Data Protection Regulations accepted in the European Union in 2018.

Why Is it Important?

One can hardly find a modern industry that would not rely on information technologies or involve them. Criminals and thieves of all sorts now have a new catch – information. Hackers can steal information, destroy it, blackmail owners with its disclosure, or encrypt the data on hacked computers. Then they can demand a ransom from their victims for having their data decrypted. The last case is the first viable and widely-used hacker business scheme – a ransomware attack. In a world where all person’s work, private life, plans, notes, and even dreams become the content of a portable device – the security of this content becomes crucial, and its loss can be deplorable.

Ways to Protect Data
Ways to Protect Your Personal Data

Ways To Protect You Personal Data

What is very important to remember is that although various internet services comply with their data security policies and regulations, users should cooperate with these services and not overthrow all the responsibility for the safety of their data on the corporations. The following list of data-safety measures is good for protecting data on a personal device and the cloud.

1. Set up two-factor authentication on your financial accounts.

Financial accounts are usually more protected than social media profiles, mailboxes, or messengers, but they require more attention and care. A breach of a bank account is like nothing you want to experience. Therefore, use the two-factor authentication in your banking service to protect yourself from fraud, deceptive social engineering, and phishing attacks. All it takes is to press a button on your telephone every time you try to access your banking account. If any crooks get your login and password, you won’t let them use those credentials.

2. Malware protection is a must.

Without an anti-malware solution any system today is bare against a jungle of harmful entities. A modern security program will:

  1. warn you about suspicious webpages you are trying to access;
  2. stop you from entering overtly dangerous sites;
  3. quarantine and remove any recognizable malicious programs as soon as they end up on your device;
  4. clear all hidden threats with the help of a deep scan function.

GridinSoft Anti-Malware is a versatile solution featuring all the described functions and providing consistent protection without inconveniences typical for bulky and “heavy” antivirus programs. Economically beneficial, Anti-Malware is one of the most efficient and quick security programs on the market.

10 Ways to Protect Your Personal Data

3. Use a firewall.

A firewall is a program filter separating a network it protects from the external environment. It can be protecting one computer or an entire workgroup. Most of the OSs have an in-built firewall. It controls the incoming and outbound traffic using pre-defined rules. Users tend to switch off firewalls temporarily to access suspicious websites but later forget to reactivate the defense. That is dangerous and puts a device or a network at risk.

4. Use free Wi-Fi with care.

A Wi-Fi router can be a source of a so-called Man-in-the-middle attack that uses a spoofed network name. After you access the wrong network by mistake, all the data outbound from your device comes into the possession of crooks. Later your data can be used directly against you up to identity theft or blackmailing, or, in better cases, it can be collected and sold to third parties for their own needs.

5. Protect your email accounts.

An email account is the core of any person’s virtual representation. Profiles in social media and other internet services often refer to your email address, and that address is essential to password restoration if you happen to need that. Therefore, email safety should be of the utmost concern. Remember to log out from your mailbox on any device except for yours. Also, make sure you use a strong password and change passwords from time to time.

6. Update your software regularly.

Computer software nowadays gets updated automatically or with the slightest effort from the user. However, many program vulnerabilities emerge in in-between moments, when one program (let’s say operating system) is already updated, while some different software is not yet up-to-date. Such inconsistent versions can lead to malware infection if cybercriminals intend to pull that over. The most wanted updates are the updates of security programs. The more malware signatures an antivirus program has in its libraries, the more malicious items it will remove from your PC before they can even harm it.

7. Back up your data.

Advice to have a backup of all critical information to preempt physical damage of the drive, loss, or theft is one of the wisest hints one could harken to. Anyone who has ever experienced anything mentioned above knows how important it is to have everything in two or maybe even three instances.

8. Don’t store passwords on your laptop or mobile device.

Always consider that your portable device might get into someone else’s hands. It might be a good person, but some bad person might also steal your device. You must be ready for such an unfortunate event. And that means not only photos and videos you wouldn’t like anyone to see should not be there on your device, but definitely, passwords should not be stored thereon. By the way, don’t forget to log out from all the accounts remotely when you notice your device is gone.

9. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Using strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts is one of the most effective ways to protect your personal data. Weak passwords are easy for hackers to guess, and using the same password for multiple accounts means that if one account is compromised, all of your other accounts are at risk too.

Tips for Creating Strong, Unique Passwords:

  • Make It Long: Aim for at least 12 characters. The longer your password, the harder it is to crack.
  • Mix It Up: Use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (like !, @, #, $).
  • Avoid Obvious Choices: Don’t use easily guessable information like your name, birthdate, or common words like “password” or “123456.”
  • Use a Password Manager: Password managers can create and store complex passwords for you, so you don’t have to remember them all. This ensures each of your passwords is unique and secure.

Imagine your password is a secret code that only you and your best friend know. Make it something fun and memorable, like a phrase from your favorite book or movie, but change some letters to numbers or symbols.

Example: If you love the book “Harry Potter“, you could start with “HarryPotterRocks” and make it stronger by adding numbers and symbols: “H@rryP0tt3rR0ck$!

Instead of a single word, think of a sentence or phrase you can remember easily. Make it something silly and fun.

Example: “MyC@tJumpsOver7Rainbows!” This phrase is long, includes a mix of characters, and is easy to remember because it’s a funny mental image.

Just like you wouldn’t use the same secret handshake forever, change your passwords from time to time to keep them fresh and secure.

10. Be Cautious with Phishing Attempts

Phishing is when scammers try to trick you into giving them your personal information, like passwords or credit card numbers, by pretending to be someone you trust. They often do this through fake emails, messages, or websites. Being cautious helps you avoid these traps and keeps your information safe.

  • Check the Sender’s Email Address: Scammers often use addresses that look similar to real ones but have slight differences.
  • Look for Red Flags: Be suspicious of emails or messages with urgent requests, bad grammar, or unfamiliar links.
  • Don’t Click on Suspicious Links: Hover over links to see where they lead before clicking. If it looks suspicious, don’t click.
  • Verify Requests: If you get an email or message asking for personal information, verify it by contacting the company directly using a phone number or website you know is legitimate.
  • Use Anti-Phishing Tools: Many email services and web browsers have built-in tools to help detect and block phishing attempts.

Always question messages that ask for personal information or seem unusual. It’s okay to be curious and skeptical – it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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How to Access the Dark Web Safely: Useful Tips for the Darknet Tue, 11 Oct 2022 15:27:41 +0000 Is the dark web legal? Despite Darknet’s association with illegal activity, accessing and browsing the dark web is legal. However, most Darknet websites are used for criminal activities – such as buying drugs, money laundering, and trading stolen credentials. If your personal information is exposed through a data breach, spyware, or phishing attack, there’s a… Continue reading How to Access the Dark Web Safely: Useful Tips for the Darknet

The post How to Access the Dark Web Safely: Useful Tips for the Darknet appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.

Is the dark web legal?

Despite Darknet’s association with illegal activity, accessing and browsing the dark web is legal. However, most Darknet websites are used for criminal activities – such as buying drugs, money laundering, and trading stolen credentials. If your personal information is exposed through a data breach, spyware, or phishing attack, there’s a good chance it will show up on the dark web, where you can wait for your buyer. You may have heard the infamous stories about Silk Road, the first online Darknet platform used to sell illegal drugs for bitcoins, launched back in 2011.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of similar platforms today. However, there are more unpleasant things like Besa Mafia, a marketplace for violent activities such as robberies, contract murders, sex trafficking, blackmailing, arms dealing, and terroristic acts organisation. As unrealistic as it sounds, this is a criminal world that exists and trades online with real consequences. However, not all activities on the Darknet are illegal. For example, Facebook and the New York Times have websites accessible through the Darknet. It seems like a paradox, the Darknet itself is not unlawful, yet it is often used for illegal things. Let’s dig deeper to clarify the Darknet and how it differs from the network we know.

What is the dark web?

The Darknet is a part of the global Internet hidden from search engines. It allows you to browse websites anonymously using disguised IP addresses. The Darknet can only be accessed through the Tor browser, preventing tracking and ad targeting. As mentioned above, the Darknet is often used for illicit trade. This is why scammers and abusers buy and sell stolen databases, which in turn may contain usernames and passwords, email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses and other confidential information. The World Wide Web can be divided into three levels: the surface web, the deep web, and the Darknet.

The surface web

The surface web (indexed or visible web) is web content indexed by search engines. Anything you can find with a Google search is part of the surface web. You can see this web part and access it in normal browsing – that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The deep web

The deep web is the next layer. Although “deep web” and “dark web” are used interchangeably, they are not the same. The deep web contains material that is not indexed by search engines. You may be surprised, but you go to the deep web every day because it makes up about 90% of the entire web. For example, your Facebook posts are not indexed and cannot be found through Google search. Your mailbox and online banking are unreachable through a web browser – all this is a deep web. In other words, these are parts of the Internet that are not themselves hidden, but other users cannot access them. Sometimes the term “deep web” is misused when what is meant is “dark web”.

The dark web (Darknet)

There is another part of the Internet. Here it is already called the dark web. Darknet websites are so hidden that they cannot, in principle, be accessed using regular browsers without special tools. Instead, the Darknet can only be accessed using Tor browser or its analogs. Additionally, there are plugins for Chrome and Firefox that can make the Darknet pages reachable for your regular browser – but they lack anonymity settings offered by Tor.

How to Access the Dark Web Safely: Useful Tips
The visual structure of the Internet

Difference between a dark web and a surface web

At first glance, dark websites are similar to ordinary websites. They contain text, images, interactive content, and site navigation buttons. But there are some differences.

  • Naming structure. Domain addresses of the Darknet websites end exclusively on .onion, instead of our usual .com or .net.
  • Complex URLs. Along with this, the URL characters preceding .onion look like an incoherent set of characters compared to the addresses we’re used to. They are also nearly impossible to remember. For example, SecureDrop is a Darknet site that allows whistleblowers to send confidential information or anonymous tips to news organizations. It also contains sites for major news organizations such as The Guardian, The Washington Post, and The Associated Press.
  • Frequent address changes. While most websites on the surface web try to make it as easy to remember and find as possible, the Darknet is the opposite Darknet sites often change their URLs to maximize privacy.

Darknet lives in the Tor ecosystem, whose name is an acronym for “The Onion Router“, so Darknet can only be accessed using the Tor browser or with a regular browser but with the installation of additional plug-ins. However, the security of this method will be much lower, so Tor is still the best solution. It is free, open-source software that uses a global network of servers to help you stay anonymous on the Internet.

Legal uses of the Darknet

While for some people, the Darknet is the source of all trouble, for others, it can be a chance to save their lives. For example, since no one controls anyone here, some human rights organizations use the Darknet to help people in regions without freedom of speech to escape political persecution and flee to another country. There are also special Darknet messengers that are untraceable. Sure, both these things may have an application for outlaw purposes as well, but statistic shows the contrary. Most such facilities really help people to communicate and plan their actions with no risk to be caught by law enforcement.

How does Tor work?

When you access the Internet via Tor, your data goes through several stages of encryption, routed through random servers called “nodes”. So, each node decrypts your data one layer at a time and then sends it to its intended Darknet destination. This type of layered encryption means that each node in the chain only knows where your data came from and which server to send it to next, and that’s it. This makes it very difficult to track your Darknet activity from start to finish. However, you shouldn’t confuse Tor with a VPN, which uses tunnels to protect your data. Tor’s encryption system ensures that your activities are anonymous and hides the host sites. This explains why this ecosystem is a favorite place for those who engage in criminal activity. Nevertheless, many legitimate reasons exist to use Tor to explore the Darknet.

How to Access the Dark Web Safely: Useful Tips
When your traffic passes through a node, the encryption “layer” is removed. The output node deletes the last encryption level. It cannot see your location or IP address, but it can see your activity if you visit an unsecured website.

How can I get into the Darknet?

Unfortunately, most Darknet sites are used for illegal activities. Therefore, it is essential to understand that this environment can be dangerous. If you ignore precautions and look for problems on the Darknet, you are likely to find them. However, if you use it for legitimate purposes and act cautiously, you can have a safe experience. Here’s how to access the Darknet safely:

Use anti-malware protection

Whether you use a surface network, a deep network, or a dark network, you need to have robust protection for your devices against malware. This will prevent unwanted software from being installed on your device.

Download Tor Browser

Now that your anti-virus software is active and a VPN enabled, you can start downloading and installing Tor from the official website. The first time you start Tor Browser, you will see a window allowing you to change some settings if necessary. You may want to return to them later, but for now, try to connect to the Tor network by pressing the “Connect” button.

Go to the Darknet website you want to visit

Next, you need to find some .onion sites. For example, you can visit The Hidden Wiki. To do so, go to:

http://zqktlwiuavvvqqt4ybvgvi7tyo4hjl5xgfuvpdf6otjiycgwqbym2qad.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page (only works in the Tor browser). This page contains links to other dark websites.

How to Access the Dark Web Safely: Useful Tips
This is what The Hidden Wiki looks like

How to use dark web safe

The main rule when using the Darknet is “safety first”. So be vigilant and follow these guidelines to stay safe on the Darknet:

Follow only trusted URLs

The .onion websites themselves won’t hurt you if you have a secure connection. However, you might stumble across some illegal websites or sensitive content by mistake. So be careful and filter the sites you intend to access.

Be careful what you share

The Darknet is an unregulated site and a breeding ground for illegal activity. Once again, ensure you only visit .onion sites you trust and do not share personal information.

Don’t download files

Just like a surface web, a dark web can contain malware. Apparently, the chance of getting something malicious to your system in the Darknet is way higher. Do not download anything that you are not 100% sure is safe to avoid the risk of compromising your data.

Don’t transfer money to anyone

Although some dark online stores may be legitimate, it’s best not to take any chances if you’re not 100% sure of their reliability. The Darknet is crawling with scammers, and most of them are waiting for a moment to scam you.

Keep your software up to date

Sometimes updates come at the most inopportune moment and are occasionally annoying. However, it is a necessary part of using any software product. System updates and any software updates are designed to keep you safe. Update them on time, including Tor and anti-malware software. You may have a good and legitimate reason to go into the dark web. However, it would help if you did so with caution because even unknowingly, you can unknowingly break the law by working online.

Can I browse the surface web with the Tor browser?

Actually, yes, but it can be uncomfortable. Although Tor gives you access to sites in the .onion ecosystem, you can also use it to browse regular websites for added security and privacy. However, due to certain features, this will not be a pleasant user experience. First, many websites block Tor users because they cannot track you, and user data collection greatly benefits websites. Although the use of Tor is legal, law enforcement doesn’t like it, so just using the Top browser can already attract attention. That’s why you should only use it in conjunction with a VPN. Finally, since Tor’s encryption system is very complicated, traveling from browser to server over the network can be very slow. If fast browsing is essential to you, this is probably not the right way to surf the web daily.

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How to Browse the Web Securely: Stay Safe Online Fri, 19 Aug 2022 11:57:09 +0000 Web browsers are invaluable tools for users and make up a huge portion of the daily time we spend in the digital world. Unfortunately, they hold many personal files and information, making them a desirable target for cybercriminals. Threat actors could attempt to access a person’s computer or other computers in the network using attacks… Continue reading How to Browse the Web Securely: Stay Safe Online

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Web browsers are invaluable tools for users and make up a huge portion of the daily time we spend in the digital world. Unfortunately, they hold many personal files and information, making them a desirable target for cybercriminals. Threat actors could attempt to access a person’s computer or other computers in the network using attacks within the web browsers. This article will tell you about what threats you can face on the Internet and how to browse the Web securely under different circumstances.

Top browser threats

There are different threats with different purposes. Some are explicitly aimed at the browser, others at something else. Here is a list of common threats:

The exploitation of vulnerabilities in any extensions, plugins, and browsers you install. Crooks often use this tactic to obtain confidential data or to distribute additional malware. These threats are presented under the guise of phishing emails or visits to sites that a hacker controls. Another tactic may be the XSS attack, which sometimes belongs not only to the websites’ flaws, but also on browser vulnerabilities.

Malicious plugins: People use plugins to improve the convenience of Internet browsing. These plugins have privileged access to the browser. Thus, malicious plugins under the guise of legitimate ones can be distributed to download additional malware or to steal user data. Some of them act as a coin miner trojans – malware that exploits the hardware of the computer to mine cryptocurrencies.

DNS poisoning: DNS is a computer system that retrieves information about domains that it converts into IP addresses so that browsers display the site users want to visit. But attacks on DNS kb records on DNS servers may allow hackers to redirect the browser to malicious domains like phishing sites.

Session hijacking: If attackers can steal session IDs (when they are not encrypted), they could log into the same websites and apps that the user did, pretending to be the user. They could then steal sensitive information and even financial details. Websites and app servers give out session IDs when users log in.

Man-in-the-middle/browser attack: Intruders can send a user to a phishing site via a page with a request for authorization in the web browser. If hackers control the router through which the victim is connected to the network, it will be much easier to do so.

Web app exploitation: Malicious code can attack apps on your computer rather than the browser, but the browser is used to run the code. Such attack is also actual for the apps that use the browser tab rendering inside of the app window to display the user interface.

How to browse the Web securely?

Web browsing

Seeing the list of threats you can see above, you may start thinking that it is impossible to browse the Web securely. To reduce the risks of confidential data loss and malicious content distribution, users can take the following steps:

1. Don’t share your personal information

The first thing to note about network security is preserving your data from third parties. Users should understand with who they are sharing their bank details, passwords, insurance numbers, and more. The theft of confidential data is not the primary purpose of fraudsters, but if you get it, intruders can compromise you or sell this information to third parties. In either case, users risk losing the integrity of their privacy.

2. Keep your browser and plugins updated

Remove all old plugins to reduce the risk of exploiting vulnerabilities. All browser and plugin updates are designed to increase the level of protection against new system intrusion methods.

3. Only visit HTTPS sites

Pay attention to the top of your web browser whenever you visit a website. His address bar should read “HTTPS”. Also, note the lock symbol at the beginning of the browser address bar; it shows that the connection is protected. In the dialogue window that appears after clicking on that lock, you’ll see the information about the certificate issuer and date of expiration.

Secured connection
Lock in the left part of URL bar is a sign of secured connection

4. Be “phishing aware”

Be careful what opens in your email. For example, do not click on links and attached forms in an email whose sender you do not know. These links may carry malicious content, and the forms will attempt to retrieve all your personal information. Phishing appeared long ago and becomes more and more sophisticated over time.

Extension spoofing
Phishing email that aims to install malware on your PC

5. Think before downloading

Before downloading the application or program, verify the authenticity of the site from which you want to download it. If you doubt the site’s authenticity because of its illiteracy or for some other reason, then go to the sources familiar to you and download from there all that you need.

6. Create and use complex passwords

Complex and reliable passwords are another way to protect yourself from unwanted pests. Create a password with at least 12 characters and use lower case and upper case letters; you can also include different types of surfaces. Average-difficulty passwords are easier to crack. This is because they can be in the password dictionary that the attacker uses for brute force attacks.

7. Use antivirus and antimalware software

Using a reliable security solution is another good additional layer of protection for your data and your entire system. GridinSoft Anti-Malware will be a good help for you when using different browsers. It is designed to scan your system and online activities continuously. This protection will alert you to a potential threat if it detects a malicious site or a doubtful program. GridinSoft Anti-Malware is also designed to remove all malware from your PC.

How to Browse the Web Securely: Stay Safe Online

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8 Top Internet Safety Rules: Cybersecurity Tips Wed, 17 Aug 2022 14:11:27 +0000 There is a lot of entertainment available online, along with education and social media. However, not everyone understands how the Internet works,and knows something about methods of safe usage. This article introduces some great tips to keep your Internet safety well in your daily things. What is Internet Safety? Internet safety and data protection is… Continue reading 8 Top Internet Safety Rules: Cybersecurity Tips

The post 8 Top Internet Safety Rules: Cybersecurity Tips appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.

There is a lot of entertainment available online, along with education and social media. However, not everyone understands how the Internet works,and knows something about methods of safe usage. This article introduces some great tips to keep your Internet safety well in your daily things.

What is Internet Safety?

Internet safety and data protection is a branch of cybersecurity related to the Internet. The more devices and accounts a person has online, the higher the risk of someone stealing his personal information and using it for bad purposes. Modern life cannot exist without the Internet, which can integrate almost all daily tasks at one place. Most people have multiple devices, such as smart watches, tablets, phones, laptops, and smart TVs.

8 Basic Internet Safety Tips

No matter what age you are or what stage of life you are in, online safety is important. However, some groups of people are more vulnerable, such as senior citizens, teenagers, and children. Follow these tips to stay secured online.

1. Keep your confidential data offline

The FTC reported the most cases of identity theft in 2020. If your personal information is not on the Internet, cybercriminals cannot get access to it or steal it. Some data, like your social security number, should never be online. If you have to share it, be sure to send it encrypted and to the person who really needs it.

2. Check a website’s reliability

According to statistics for the period 2021, Google has recorded more than 2 million phishing sites. You may be wondering how to distinguish a reliable site from a fake. In fact, it is quite easy if you’re attentive enough. First, look at the address bar; it should have a lock at the beginning, which means the connection is encrypted with an HTTPS certificate. Crooks will barely receive an HTTPS cert. Secondly, check the overall look of the site. All the information on the legitimate site will be written correctly, and the images in it are carefully arranged, look organic, and do not overlap the site’s main content. If you see any of these issues, then there is reason to wonder whether this resource is reliable. Still, the HTTPS is not a thing that is impossible to retrieve for scammers. Moreover, even the sites familiar to you may be the place where the fraud takes place.

Internet safety with HTTPS

3. Use a strong password

A strong password is a way to a good level of security. Also, these characters must contain at least 12 and include lower and upper case letters. Passwords with less than ten characters are easier to crack – as the statistics say, it can be done in an hour. You can use the online password generator if you can’t create a hard password.

4. Use two-factor authentication

Google 2FA for Internet safety

Two-factor authentication is an excellent way to protect your account. You will need to enter the additional code generated earlier, or that will come to your mobile phone number in a text message. If an attacker attempts to log in to your account knowing your exact password, then because of the 2FA installed, he will not be able to do so. However, that’s like the last layer of security, and stopping the fraudsters with two-factor authentication means you did something wrong.

5. Avoid suspicious online links

Avoid suspicious links, spam emails, tabloid headlines, unsolicited advertisements, and click bait online. The message will not mention the file if someone accidentally opens a file attached to an email meant to harm their computer.Make sure the text and links relate to the topic on a website. Be especially careful with links that strangers send to you on social networks and forums.

6. Keep your computer updated

Developers work hard to make their products safe, monitoring for the latest threats and releasing security patches if there are any vulnerabilities. You need to use the latest versions of your operating system and programs, as they contain the latest security updates. Doing so will make it way harder for hackers to break in, and keep you safe.

Windows update

7. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure

When deciding on an online security problem solution, be sure it is a well-known and trusted service or software. Free downloads, online services, and Wi-Fi networks are the most likely sources of problems. Wait until you are on a secure Wi-Fi network, or ensure your device is secure before giving out information like your bank account number.

8. Use anti-malware software

The use of various unverified web pages can lead not only to slow PC operation, but also to the spread of malware. It would be best if you understood that users could not have a 100% protection of their devices. So, you need to use reliable protection, which will not only remove the threats, but also protect your browsing experience. GridinSoft Anti-Malware is exactly what you need. In addition to the above, it will carefully scan your device, monitor which sites you visit, notify you of a potential threat and thus protect your privacy.

8 Top Internet Safety Rules: Cybersecurity Tips

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What is a Botnet: Signs Your Computer Is Part Of A Botnet Fri, 10 Aug 2018 12:30:23 +0000 Botnets are a new reality that seems to have somehow imperceptibly swooped upon us. In fact, the first documented botnet – a network of bots – was created as early as 2001. Today some botnets include tens of millions of machines. And these computers perform the tasks they are given in complete ignorance of their… Continue reading What is a Botnet: Signs Your Computer Is Part Of A Botnet

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Botnets are a new reality that seems to have somehow imperceptibly swooped upon us. In fact, the first documented botnet1 – a network of bots – was created as early as 2001. Today some botnets include tens of millions of machines. And these computers perform the tasks they are given in complete ignorance of their owners. What are botnets? How do they work, and why are they dangerous? How not to have anything to do with them? We’ll try to answer these questions in the current article.

What is a Botnet?

Botnet is a program installed on a computer that then, being controlled remotely, uses the host device to perform certain actions on the Internet. Of course, such a program is malicious. It is introduced into the device unbeknownst to the user, acts in secret, and the work it performs is illegal.

A botnet is a network of devices on which a botnet is installed and running. Such a network is constantly growing but continues to be controlled from one center, like a flock of sheep. It’s no wonder the command and control center of such a network is called a “herder.” A botnet is a growing controllable crowd that can be given different tasks and provided with the necessary software to complete them.

Botnets are a new word in hacking since one hacker with a botnet is already an army that makes it possible to take advantage of those system vulnerabilities that appear only under a large number of requests from different sources.

How Botnets Work: Algorithms

  • Email spam. Spam can have different purposes. It can be real advertising or fraud messages, and it can also be the distribution of malware. A properly configured botnet can send tens of billions of messages per day. In addition, email spam is a way for new machines to join the botnet.
  • Comments – a botnet can be used to rain down comments to keep a post trending or to support one or another political opinion in society. Such bots can track, for example, YouTube videos with certain names and leave pre-written comments under them.
  • DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are massive raids by bots with requests to the server, which crashes due to overload and cannot respond to requests. Such an attack is impossible for a single hacker but possible for a botnet. DDoS attacks are usually carried out against government systems and economic or political competitors.

For example, from the latest news, Ukraine was hit by DDoS attacks from hacked WordPress sites.

  • Hacking2 and stealing money from accounts can also be carried out using vulnerabilities exploited by botnets. Certain financial breach mechanisms allow bot-driven thefts on a huge scale. Also, targeted hacking can be carried out with the help of a powerful influx of requests, exposing the flaws in the defenses of the attacked systems.

How do Botnets Infect a Computer?

A botnet penetrates a computer according to a scenario familiar from examples of other malicious programs. Most likely, the user inadvertently opens a file attached to a spam email or clicks on that can be received both by email and in any messenger app. If so, the botnet will most likely be downloaded and installed via scripts embedded in a file or website. 

Once the botnet is deployed, it establishes contact with the control and command center and waits for the task. What is especially interesting about bots is that they are universal in their functions. As far as their permission allows, they can perform completely different actions. The botnet can be reprogrammed Signs Your Computer Is Part Of A Botnet

Signs of becoming a part of a botnet may be the consequences of other malware’s presence, hardware problems, lack of free memory, and whatnot. However, pay attention to these occurrences, especially if you register more than one of them:<

  • Your computer struggles when it should idle. You can hear its fans rotate intensely, and the processor sounds like it is busy. You might want to check the Task Manager for strange processes. 
  • Internet connection might seem to worsen. Nothing is wrong with the bandwidth, but the botnet might be generating dense traffic that interferes with what you are trying to do.
  • The shutdown of your device might become considerably longer than usual. As if during the system update. 
  • Crashes and freezings of the programs that previously worked fine can signify malicious botnet activity. Check the process that consumes a lot of your RAM. 
  • Other people may complain that your mailbox or social media account distributes suspicious messages. That would be a certain hint that you are in a botnet. 

How Can a Computer be Protected from Botnet?

  • First, you should have a good antivirus program. We recommend GridinSoft Anti-Malware. It is cost-effective, quick, and highly efficient. It protects you from suspicious and dangerous sites while you surf, and it also instantly removes malware if it has somehow penetrated your computer. If you have already managed to infect your computer with a bot, perform a deep scan using Anti-Malware. The bot will be found and removed.
  • Take care of your passwords. On all devices where they can be set up – choose strong passwords. Pay special attention to routers and use public Wi-Fi. Remember to change your password from time to time. The password must include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • And, of course, be extremely careful when it comes to unexpected emails and messages on social networks or instant messengers. Do not download attachments or click on links contained in these messages. If you do not know the author and do not understand why the letter came to you, delete it immediately. Spam of this kind is the most common way to distribute malware.


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Age restrictions and children : what is important Fri, 22 Jun 2018 13:35:18 +0000 15 years ago it was hard to imagine that personal devices will be so widespread. Nowadays, you can see a smartphone even in the hand of the homeless. There is no need to say that the average age when the children get a phone decreased from 16-18 to 12-13. But any usage of smartphones is… Continue reading Age restrictions and children : what is important

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15 years ago it was hard to imagine that personal devices will be so widespread. Nowadays, you can see a smartphone even in the hand of the homeless. There is no need to say that the average age when the children get a phone decreased from 16-18 to 12-13. But any usage of smartphones is always related to social networking of some sort. It is quite strange, but there are a lot of people who don’t understand the possible danger social networks can carry for their children. In this article, we will discuss the age restrictions for different social network, their necessity and some interesting statistics about age restrictions in different applications.

Children and networks

According to the study1 I found on the Web, 89% of teenagers in age from 13 to 17 have at least one social network account, and in 71% of cases teenagers of the same age range have more than one account. Such statistics are the result of making the smartphone popular, affordable and essential for modern society. Social networks also brought a significant influence on this subject – they developed enormously last years, gaining a great amount of users. Even if there is no practical reason for a child to use social networks, it sees how adults make use of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram, and want to do so, too.

Teenagers with smartphones

And this situation is rather good than bad: while exploring the content, children find the things that are really interesting for them. Obtaining the interesting and important information is a really useful thing for the self education purposes, regardless of the age of the person who gets such content. But there is also another side of the coin: there is a lot of content in the Internet which can be harmful or sensitive for young users. Because of freedom of speech, everyone can find doubtful content in the social networks. And while adults are able to “filtrate” such information, basing on the knowledge they get through a life, children are not able to make the analysis, and can easily use this information as a fact or as a guide to actions.

Why do you call it dangerous?

Misinformation cannot harm the child physically. Any kind of false facts can be easily refuted by parents, or with the information from a more authoritative source. But there is also one more possible thing that can be harmful. We are talking about online friends – ones who have never contacted the child in real life, but have persistent contact with it on Instagram, for example.

Age restrictions can shield your children

When it comes to the first meet, both child and friend knows quite a lot about each other, hence, they are likely to trust each other. Yes, in the majority of cases online friends are the same teenagers as your child, but there is still a chance that there is somebody malevolent hiding under the guise of “teenager”. And having a walk with a friend usually supposes the absence of parents in the range of mile. It is likely impossible to control who really stands under the nickname of “Janet”, if you can’t see and analyze the facts that this person told about herself during the conversation. But we will talk about the ways of control later.

Age restrictions in different networks: interesting statistics

Here are the list of minimal age requirements for popular social networks:

  • Facebook: 13+ Years.
  • WhatsApp: 16+ Years; But, you will be able to sign up at the age of 13 with parental permission.
  • Google+ : 13+ years.
  • 13+ years.
  • Flickr: 13+ years.
  • Instagram: 13+ years.
  • LinkedIn: 14+ years.
  • Kik: 13+ years.
  • Pinterest: 13+ years.
  • Skype: 18+ years; with parental permission up to 17years.
  • Twitter: 13+ years.
  • Youtube: 17+ years; 13-year-old can sign up with a parent’s permission.
  • Vine: 13+ years.
  • Vimeo: 13+ years.
  • Snapchat: 13+ years.
  • Spot a friend: 13-19 years only.

As you can see, the majority of networks state that the lower age limit for their platform usage is 13 years. Why exactly 13? At the age of 13 children already have their psychological basis formed. Their personality is still developing, however, social networks are a perfect place to explore the information field to find the theme they like, and create their own personality in such a way. Children of lower age can get their psyche harmed by the sensitive content, which is widespread in the modern internet – news about violence, crimes, deaths of celebrities, etc. Of course, this number is set based on the pure statistics – a child can still be sensitive to the content of some sort even at 15, as well as have “stable” psyche at the age of 12. But according to the Gaussian curve, the majority of children get psychically stable exactly at the age of 13.

Gaussian curve in child psychology
Gaussian curve in child psychology

Main problem of age restrictions

The common idea of age restrictions for users is quite good: the exact age is clearly specified on the website, so the parents are able to figure out if their child is old enough to use this service. At the same time, social networks cut away the problem with massive legal actions from parents, whose child (that was under the allowed age!) saw something that harmed it psychologically on Facebook, Twitter or so. Plaintiffs get nothing but bills for judgement process costs, because one of the key rules of social network usage is broken.

But such situations are still actual. Parents often pay no attention to the smartphone activity of their children, so they are free to register in the networks they want. There is no way to check if the inputted date of birth is true, without the massive remaking of the internet usage rules. I meant the registration in social networks only with making use of passports. Such a novation terminates the key principle of the Internet at all – anonymity, so this idea is completely surrealistic.

Controlling the network is not the best idea

Can in be solved?

The only way to prevent the usage of social networks is to implement personal control. It is easy to figure out if your child may be harmed with the specific content, and in such a case you need to prevent all attempts to register the account in mentioned social networks. However, besides autoritary methods, you may also explain to your son or daughter why it is better to stay away from Twitter, Instagram or other networks.

When your child is going for a walk with an online friend, try to figure out several details about this boy/girl. If there is something strange, try to explain it to your child and ask to call you in case something goes wrong. One more step which can help you to solve a lot of different problems is a location tracking for the child’s device. It will be much easier to control your child without the direct contact.

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Top 10 Computer Security Habits to Protect Your Data and Privacy Thu, 12 Apr 2018 13:40:01 +0000 In today’s digital world, where data breaches and cyberattacks have become a common occurrence, protecting your computer and personal information has never been more critical. The growing threat of cybercrime has made it essential for computer users to adopt the best security practices to prevent data loss and maintain their privacy. In this article, we… Continue reading Top 10 Computer Security Habits to Protect Your Data and Privacy

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In today’s digital world, where data breaches and cyberattacks have become a common occurrence, protecting your computer and personal information has never been more critical. The growing threat of cybercrime has made it essential for computer users to adopt the best security practices to prevent data loss and maintain their privacy. In this article, we will discuss the best computer security habits that will help you stay protected from cyber threats.

1. Keep Your Software Up-to-date

Keeping your operating system and other software up-to-date is one of the easiest and most effective ways to secure your computer. Cybercriminals often exploit security vulnerabilities in outdated software to gain access to your computer and data. Regular software updates ensure that any security loopholes are fixed and that your computer is protected against new threats.

How to Keep Your Software Up-to-date

  • Enable automatic software updates.
  • Regularly check for and install updates manually.
  • Uninstall outdated and unused software.

2. Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Using strong and unique passwords is another essential habit for computer security. A strong password should be at least 12 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using common words and phrases that are easy to guess, such as “password” or “123456.”

How to Create Strong Passwords

  • Use a password manager to generate and store unique passwords.
  • Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.
  • Change your passwords regularly.

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts by requiring a code in addition to your password. This code is usually sent to your phone or email and is required to access your account. Enabling two-factor authentication makes it harder for hackers to gain access to your accounts, even if they have your password.

How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication

  • Check if the websites you use support two-factor authentication.
  • Enable two-factor authentication in your account settings.
  • Use an authentication app, such as Google Authenticator, for added security.

4. Use Antivirus Software

Antivirus software is designed to detect and remove malware from your computer. It provides real-time protection against viruses, spyware, and other malicious programs. Using antivirus software is essential for maintaining your computer’s security and preventing cyber-attacks.

How to Choose the Best Antivirus Software

  • Look for antivirus software that offers real-time protection.
  • Check for reviews and ratings from trusted sources.
  • Consider additional features, such as anti-phishing and anti-ransomware protection.

Top 10 Computer Security Habits to Protect Your Data and Privacy

5. Be Cautious When Clicking Links and Downloading Files

Clicking on malicious links and downloading infected files is one of the most common ways cybercriminals gain access to your computer. To avoid falling victim to these threats, be cautious when clicking on links and downloading files, especially from unknown sources.

How to Stay Safe When Clicking Links and Downloading Files

  • Only click on links from trusted sources.
  • Verify the URL before clicking on a link.
  • Scan all downloaded files for malware before opening them.

6. Use a Firewall

A firewall is a software or hardware device that monitors and controls network traffic. It acts as a barrier between your computer and the internet, preventing unauthorized access to your computer. Using a firewall is essential for protecting your computer from external threats.

How to Use a Firewall

  • Enable the built-in firewall on your computer’s operating system.
  • Consider using a third-party firewall for added security.
  • Configure your firewall settings to block incoming connections from unknown sources.

7. Regularly Backup Your Data

Regularly backing up your data is an essential habit for computer security. It ensures that you have a copy of your important files in case of a hardware failure, theft, or cyberattack. Without a backup, you risk losing all your data, including valuable documents, photos, and videos.

How to Backup Your Data

  • Use cloud storage services, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, to backup your data automatically.
  • Use an external hard drive or USB drive to create a manual backup.
  • Set a regular backup schedule to ensure your data is always protected.

8. Be Careful When Using Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks are convenient, but they are also a prime target for hackers. When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, your data is transmitted over the airwaves, making it vulnerable to interception. Hackers can use various techniques to steal your data, including man-in-the-middle attacks and packet sniffing.

Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Safely

  • Avoid accessing sensitive information, such as online banking or email, when using public Wi-Fi.
  • Use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic and protect your data from prying eyes.
  • Verify the network name and password with the network provider to ensure you are connecting to the correct network.

9. Educate Yourself About Phishing Scams

Phishing is a common cybercrime technique used to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or credit card details. Phishing attacks often come in the form of emails, text messages, or social media posts that appear to be from a legitimate source.

How to Spot and Avoid Phishing Scams

  • Be cautious when opening emails or messages from unknown sources.
  • Check the sender’s email address or social media profile to ensure it is legitimate.
  • Look for spelling and grammar errors in the message, as these are often a sign of a phishing scam.
  • Don’t click on links or download attachments from suspicious emails or messages.

10. Keep Your Social Media Accounts Secure

Social media is a part of our daily lives, but it also presents a significant security risk. Hackers can use your social media accounts to steal your personal information or launch phishing attacks on your friends and family. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your social media accounts secure.

Tips for Securing Your Social Media Accounts

  • Use strong and unique passwords for each of your social media accounts.
  • Enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your accounts.
  • Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading files from social media messages or posts.
  • Review your privacy settings and limit the amount of personal information you share on social media.


By adopting these best computer security habits, you can protect your data and privacy from cyber threats. Keep your software up-to-date, use strong and unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, use antivirus software, be cautious when clicking links and downloading files, use a firewall, and regularly backup your data. Remember that the best defense against cybercrime is prevention, so take the necessary steps to protect your computer and personal information.

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5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent’s Guide Tue, 20 Mar 2018 12:54:51 +0000 The internet can be used by a wide number of people—that could include children, adolescents, and seniors. However, ensuring that your children are safe from the negative implications of the internet could be challenging. As a parent or a guardian, you should be held responsible for taking actions that could counter the dangers of your… Continue reading 5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent’s Guide

The post 5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent’s Guide appeared first on Gridinsoft Blog.

The internet can be used by a wide number of people—that could include children, adolescents, and seniors. However, ensuring that your children are safe from the negative implications of the internet could be challenging. As a parent or a guardian, you should be held responsible for taking actions that could counter the dangers of your kids online. You can participate in certain tasks to ensure the safety and well-being of your children online.

Your children can surf the internet as long as you are acquainted with the back side of using the internet. The internet could be a fun place for most people but, it could be a dark place for naïve children. They could easily become susceptible to cyberbullying and identity theft, and they could become exposed to negative persuasion online.

Recent studies by experts show that if you are participating in the online activities of your children—you are able to learn about child safety on the internet. You deserve all the rights and authority to learn about the online presence of your children to ensure that they are using it without posing any threat to their safety. The following merits are a compilation of the rules of safety that you should follow as a courtesy to your child’s safety on the internet.

1. Connect with your kids online

Internet safety is a crucial topic which should be taken into consideration by all parents. However, restricting the use of the internet could provoke your child to compromise with its independence. As a parent, you do not allow your children to interact with strange people in real life so; you should implement the same tactic with your kid when he is using the internet. You should follow your children on their social media accounts to monitor their social media lives and to see what kind of people they are connecting with.

2. Have a discussion regarding the use of the Internet

Parents usually understand the pros and cons of using the internet so; they should have a healthy discussion with their children regarding the use of the internet. They should educate them on the bright side and the dark side of the internet, and you should talk to your children about informing you regarding their usage of the internet. You should also ensure that your child refrains from using their actual personal information on the internet.

3. Monitor who your kids are connecting with online

As a parent, you should monitor the online activities of your children, and you should keep an eye on what kind of people your children are connecting with on an online platform. While it may come off as an authoritarian parenting style to your children—it is a step that should be taken to ensure the internet safety of your children.

4. Teach them about phishing scams

Teaching your child about phishing scams is an important part of internet safety. Phishing scams are fraudulent attempts to obtain sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, by posing as a trustworthy entity, such as a social media site, or online retailer.

To help your child recognize and avoid phishing scams, you can teach them to:

  1. Look for warning signs: Phishing emails and websites often contain misspellings, poor grammar, and other signs that they may not be legitimate. Teach your child to look for these warning signs and to be wary of any emails or websites that don’t look quite right.
  2. Verify the source: Teach your child to verify the source of any emails or websites that ask for sensitive information.
  3. Don’t click on links: Teach your child to avoid clicking on links on websites unless they are absolutely sure that they are safe. Phishing scams often use links to direct users to fraudulent websites that look like legitimate ones.

By teaching your child about phishing scams, you can help them stay safe and protect their personal information online.

4. Implement limits on the usage of the internet

The use of the internet could help your children with their homework but, it should be used in moderation. Internet safety concerns parents regarding the safety of their children, and they should implement certain limitations on the usage of the internet by their children.

If you are taking precautions to trace the online presence of your children, it could become nearly impossible to stop your children from using the websites that appeal to them. You can start setting boundaries by adjusting the parental tools and filters on your Internet Service Provider. It can block and filter the websites that might be harmful to your kids. Also, you should examine the device that your child uses to access the internet. You can consider activating the Parental Controls functions on the device to filter the websites which could pose a threat to your child’s safety online.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent&#8217;s Guide

Also, there is a big possibility that your child will try to download some game with a virus or accidentally visit a site with inappropriate content. This is something you can’t control only for yourself. In this case, the best decision is to use anti-malware software that will block all unsafe and unpleasant things around the Web.

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