Facebook sues Ukrainian who sold data of 178 million users of the social network

The company Facebook has sued the Ukrainian Alexander Solonchenko for collecting data from 178 million Facebook users using scraping, and then putting this information up for sale on a hacker forum. According to court documents, Solonchenko abused Facebook Messenger’s Contact Importer feature. Previously, this feature allowed users to sync their phone address books and see… Continue reading Facebook sues Ukrainian who sold data of 178 million users of the social network

Facebook explained reasons for the global failure

Yesterday, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp did not work for more than five hours around the world and after fixing the problems, representatives of the social network explained the reasons for the global outage. The failure was caused by a BGP routing issue. Currently, all services are already operating normally. Amid problems with access, rumours of… Continue reading Facebook explained reasons for the global failure

Hackers hide MageCart skimmers in social media buttons

Sanguine Security analysts discovered that hackers are using steganography and hiding MageCart skimmers in buttons designed to post content to social media. Let me remind you that initially the name MageCart was assigned to one hack group, which was the first to introduce web skimmers (malicious JavaScript) on the pages of online stores to steal… Continue reading Hackers hide MageCart skimmers in social media buttons

Techno giant Jio disclosed data of people tested for COVID-19

Recently, India’s technology giant Jio, partly acquired by Facebook, has disclosed the confidential data of people, tested for COVID-19. In March of this year, Jio released a service that allows users to identify COVID-19 symptoms with their phone or website. “The service was launched in March, right before India’s nationwide lockdown was announced, and allowed… Continue reading Techno giant Jio disclosed data of people tested for COVID-19

Vulnerability in OAuth Protocol Allows Hacking Any Facebook Account

The vulnerability is contained in the Facebook login feature, which uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol. Security researcher Amol Baikar discovered a critical vulnerability in the Facebook social network OAuth authorization protocol. The vulnerability has existed for about 10 years, and its exploitation allows attackers hacking into any Facebook account. The problem is contained in… Continue reading Vulnerability in OAuth Protocol Allows Hacking Any Facebook Account

Google Search Indexes WhatsApp Private Groups

Google search engine indexes invitations to WhatsApp groups (including links to private groups), which makes them visible and accessible to any user who wants to join the group. The journalist Jordan Wildon drew attention to the problem. He found that the WhatsApp “Invite to Group link” feature allows Google indexing these groups, making them available… Continue reading Google Search Indexes WhatsApp Private Groups

Number of linked with WhatsApp phishing URLs increased by 13 467%

According to Vade Secure’s report, the number of phishing URLs related to Facebook grew by 358,8%, and WhatsApp, by 13467%. Vade Secure published a report on phishing threats in the fourth quarter of 2019. Researchers identified 25 brands that phishers most widely use, compiling this list by analyzing a variety of phishing URLs. As a… Continue reading Number of linked with WhatsApp phishing URLs increased by 13 467%

Facebook Gives US Lawmakers the Names of 52 Firms with Deep Data Access

Facebook has been under scrutiny for its handling of user data, with concerns raised about how the company handles privacy. In the latest development, Facebook has given the names of 52 firms it gave deep data access to, following the revelation that the social media giant gave device makers access to data on Facebook users… Continue reading Facebook Gives US Lawmakers the Names of 52 Firms with Deep Data Access

Top-6 biggest tech failures of 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 The biggest failure of Samsung for all history is Galaxy Note 7. Smartphones started exploding, that caused a stoppage in production and users were forbidden from taking them on airplanes. It will take a lot of time to clear the PR debacle from this company. Windows 10 We all waited for… Continue reading Top-6 biggest tech failures of 2016