British police announced the arrest of several members of the Lapsus$ group

Recently, the hack group Lapsus$ mentioned that several of its members were going on vacation, and soon law enforcements in the UK announced the arrest of seven alleged members of Lapsus$.

The hack group Lapsus$ has only recently entered the scene, but has already compromised Microsoft, Nvidia, Ubisoft and other major companies.

One of the latest messages in the hack group’s Telegram channel states that some Lapsus$ members are going on vacation until the end of March.

The publication Bleeping Computer notes that the exact size and composition of the group is unknown, but it seems that the members of the group speak English, Russian, Turkish, German and Portuguese.

Arrest of Lapsus$ members

Almost simultaneously with the appearance of this message on the hacker channel, the BBC reported that earlier this week the police in London arrested seven people aged 16 to 21 “in connection with the investigation into the activities of the hacker group.”

The names of the detainees were not disclosed, but this week the media already wrote that the real identities of some Lapsus $ participants were declassified by rival hackers. In particular, according to Bloomberg, the leader of the group is a 17-year-old teenager from English Oxford, who uses the nicknames White and Breachbase.

It is believed that due to his hacking activity, he accumulated more than 300 BTC (about $13 million at the current exchange rate), including by swapping SIM cards. Along with this information, his real name, home address, date of birth, educational details, and even personal photos with his family were published.

Unit 221B working with [cyber-security company] Palo Alto after identifying the actor, watched him on his exploits throughout 2021, periodically sending law enforcement a heads-up about the latest crimes.said Allison Nixon, chief research officer at cyber-security investigation company Unit 221B.

Apparently, the alleged leader of the group was among those arrested (among them is a teenager from Oxford). His father told the TV channel that he did not know what his son was doing:

Until recently, I didn’t know anything about it. He never talked about hacking, but he is very computer savvy and spends a lot of time on the computer. I always thought he was playing. We will try to prevent him from spending time at the computer.

Let me remind you that we also said that Hackers attack hackers by spreading malware on underground forums.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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