The battle at the cyber polygon The Standoff will be held online

This year, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the battle at the cyber polygon The Standoff will take place on November 12-17, 2020 online and on three continents at once.

The organizers invite to work with them to create a new approach to technology security analysis and develop tools to simulate threats to critical infrastructure without consequences in the real world. The Standoff’s goal is to create a platform for digital modeling of events, such as a global pandemic or cyberattacks, on critical infrastructure.

One of the main components of such modeling is cyber warfare – the confrontation between cyber defense specialists (blueteams) and hackers (redteams) in the infrastructure of a digital city.

This battle goes far beyond the traditional CTF competition. Both sides gain access to real hardware and software that is used to control all aspects of modern city life, and must ensure its safety or conduct a successful attack.write the organizers of the event.

Defenders and attackers are often real teams from different companies, who get the opportunity during The Standoff to improve their skills and gain unique experience of cyber confrontation in a few days, whereas in the real world it can take months or even years.

The Standoff cyber polygon is a virtual copy of our world, which recreates production chains, business scenarios and technological landscape typical for various sectors of the economy.

Of the variety of prototypes of real companies at The Standoff 2020, defenders and attackers will have access to a gas pumping station, a seaport, a railway terminal, a chemical plant, a fire station, an oil production plant, an entertainment park, an airport, a thermal power plant and an electrical substation (and even wind power generators), a business and the financial centre of a modern city.

Cyber polygon is the only highly effective tool for modelling threats and assessing the real level of protection of specific technologies. Various companies and government organizations can use it to study how a particular technology works in the real world, as well as what the consequences of a successful cyberattack on it might be.

To participate in The StandOff, you just need to connect to the platform.

Let me remind you, just in case, that Microsoft estimated that hackers’ attacks take less than 45 minutes.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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