Chase Bank Glitch is a recent viral campaign that goes on different social media, particularly including TikTok and Instagram. In it, authors share the alleged way to abuse a glitch in Chase Bank ATMs to get a huge amount of money. But, as it turned out further, this glitch is nothing more than a check fraud, and people are getting in serious trouble by following the advice.
What is Chase Bank Glitch?
Chase Bank Glitch is a name for an issue that was present for a short time on September 1, 2024. It allowed people to wire in checks of any amount, even if the corresponding account did not have enough money. After that, they were able to withdraw this money. This is what eventually caused such a fuss in TikTok: creators made dozens of videos showing how they managed to get thousands of dollars literally from the air.
The reason for such a bug is, obviously, an improper bank check validation that had taken place in Chase Bank ATMs’ software. That’s a particular oversight for such a huge bank, but well – bugs can happen in any software, of any company. And Chase Bank handled it well, providing a patch for this loophole in less than a day.
This still did not stop people from trying to follow the instructions from viral videos, even though the trick had stopped working. But the biggest problem happened to the ones who managed to do the trick while it was possible and withdrew the huge amount of money. The system retroactively recognized the flawed deposit transactions and deducted the corresponding sum from the accounts. As a result, quite a few tricksters now complain about having a huge debt on their bank accounts. Free money is never free!

Chase Bank Warns About Check Fraud Responsibility
While the glitch itself was not that much of an issue, the fact that people abused it is. Chase Bank made it quite clear that such manipulations with bank checks, regardless of why they work, fall under the book definition of a check fraud. And this, in turn, is a quite clear crime, with legal consequences for all the participants.
The main consequence though is the aforementioned deduction of a fraudulently accrued sum of money. I suspect the overall amount of cash that people managed to get in such a way is not worth starting a legal action, so the bank decided to punish the abusers directly with monetary penalties. And, in fairness, it is not even a penalty – just taking back what did not belong to these people.
For the bottom line, I would like to remind you that money is never free. If you get a big sum of money, someone must lose it, or give it to you in any other way. And in the case of this glitch, the bank is the one who loses money. Be sure that any bank, especially one as big as Chase, will never let such manipulations go, and never try abusing any issues in their systems. People are lucky to have only they bank accounts in debt, as this could have had much, much worse consequences.