T-Mobile Admits that Lapsus$ Hack Group Stole Its Source Codes

Information security specialist Brian Krebs found out that even before the arrests, the Lapsus$ hack group managed to compromise the telecom giant T-Mobile. The company confirmed this information, saying that a few weeks ago, hackers penetrated the company’s network, gained access to internal tools and source codes. It is emphasized that at the same time,… Continue reading T-Mobile Admits that Lapsus$ Hack Group Stole Its Source Codes

Cyrillic on the keyboard may become a “vaccine” against Russian hackers

After the sensational cyberattack on the American fuel giant Colonial Pipeline, experts proposed a kind of “vaccine” against Russian hackers. The cybercriminal group DarkSide behind the attack on the Colonial Pipeline hastened to disown any political motives. According to the hackers, they are apolitical and “do not participate in geopolitics.” However, according to journalist Brian… Continue reading Cyrillic on the keyboard may become a “vaccine” against Russian hackers

Hackers attack Microsoft Exchange servers on behalf of Brian Krebs

The well-known information security expert, journalist and author of the KrebsOnSecurity blog has repeatedly become a target for attacks and mockery of hackers. Now hackers are attack Microsoft Exchange servers with Proxylogon vulnerabilities on behalf of Brian Krebs. The fact is that Krebs is famous for his investigations and revelations, and over the long years… Continue reading Hackers attack Microsoft Exchange servers on behalf of Brian Krebs

Microsoft bought the domain Corp.com, so criminals would not do it

The well-known IS journalist Brian Krebs drew attention to an interesting fact: this week Microsoft bought the domain Corp.com, so that criminals would not do it. The sum of transaction is not disclosed. Krebs first turned his attention to this domain when a man named Mike O’Connor, who owned it for 26 years, put it… Continue reading Microsoft bought the domain Corp.com, so criminals would not do it