Blogger Forced ChatGPT to Generate Keys for Windows 95

Keygen for Windows 95 from Chatgpt

YouTube user Enderman demonstrated that he was able to force ChatGPT to generate activation keys for Windows 95.

Let me remind you that we also wrote that Russian Cybercriminals Seek Access to OpenAI ChatGPT, and also that GPT-4 Tricked a Person into Solving a CAPTCHA for Them by Pretending to Be Visually Impaired.

Our colleagues warned that Amateur Hackers Use ChatGPT to Create Malware.

At the same time, a direct request for keys from the Open AI chatbot did not give anything, and the YouTuber approached the problem from a different angle.

After refusing to generate a key for Windows 95, ChatGPT explained that it could not complete the task and instead suggested that the researcher consider a newer and more supported version of Windows (10 or 11).

However, the format of activation keys for Windows 95 is quite simple and has been known for a long time (see the image below), and Enderman converted it into a text query and asked the AI to create the desired sequence.

ChatGPT and Windows 95 keys

Although the first attempts were not successful, a number of changes to the request structure helped to solve the problem.

ChatGPT and Windows 95 keys

The researcher ran tests and tried to activate the new Windows 95 in a virtual machine. It turned out that about 1 out of 30 keys generated by ChatGPT worked as it should.

The only problem that prevents ChatGPT from successfully generating valid Windows 95 keys every time is that it can’t sum the digits and doesn’t know about divisibility.the blogger Enderman said.

So, in a five-digit string, the sum of the digits which must be a multiple of seven, the AI substitutes a series of random numbers and fails this simple mathematical test.

After creating many activation keys for Windows 95, the researcher thanked the AI by writing, “Thanks for the free Windows 95 keys!” In response to this, the chatbot stated that it was strictly forbidden for him to create keys for any software, but Enderman continued to configure and said that he had just activated the installation of Windows 95 using such a key. Then ChatGPT replied that this was impossible because support for Windows 95 was discontinued in 2001, all keys for this OS have long been inactive, and it is strictly forbidden for him to create keys.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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