Top-6 biggest tech failures of 2016

  1. Samsung Galaxy Note 7

    The biggest failure of Samsung for all history is Galaxy Note 7. Smartphones started exploding, that caused a stoppage in production and users were forbidden from taking them on airplanes. It will take a lot of time to clear the PR debacle from this company.

  2. Windows 10

    We all waited for the Windows 10 Anniversary Update after the unusual and inconvenient Windows 8, that hasn’t a Start Menu button. But a lot of users were faced with the problem of an endless reboot cycle that developers couldn’t stop. In the end, the company found a way to fix this problem, but updates caused other complaints, such as blocking Internet access.

  3. Screen problem of iPhone 6

    Another problem with smartphones was detected in 2016. This time is iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The screen on both phones became unresponsive. The problem lay in the controller, that wasn’t properly connected to the motherboard. Even if you were very careful when using your device, someday this problem would show up and there was no way to fix it properly.

  4. Facebook Killer

    Although Facebook is the biggest social network it couldn’t prevent one of the biggest fails of this year. In November a lot of users “became” dead with some regretful messages from the system on their page. A victim of this mistake was even the creator of the network Mark Zuckerberg. But, most of the users were joking about this, so Facebook got off lightly.

  5. Yahoo data breach

    The biggest data breach of the past few years happened with Yahoo. Over a billion users were hacked. Passwords, names, dates of birth and other private information were stolen, but luckily data about credit cards and banking accounts stayed private.

  6. GoPro Karma drone

    This time products weren’t exploding, but they just stopped working while customers were using them. Given, that the cost of one of these drones starts at $800 it is an unforgivable error for any company. Unlike Apple Inc. GoPro gave a refund to each customer that bought a GoPro Karma drone.

So, as we can see this year was full of unpleasant tech surprises. Even big corporations are vulnerable to mistakes, shortcomings, and viruses. But every user can protect themselves’ by using powerful security software on their PC. GridinSoft Anti-Malware will keep your information and devices safe from any viruses. Be protected in 2017.

By Polina Lisovskaya

I have been working as a marketing manager for many years and I like to look for interesting topics for you

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